East Sussex treatment works gets £7.8 million water quality upgrade
Works are underway to upgrade an East Sussex wastewater site, so it can handle more flows and cut phosphorous levels in the treated water which leaves the site.
Works are underway to upgrade an East Sussex wastewater site, so it can handle more flows and cut phosphorous levels in the treated water which leaves the site.
The £7.8 million construction project at Battle will ensure the works can accommodate a growing population in the local area by 2035.
A new storm tank is being installed, which will increase capacity for storage during storm events, ensuring more water can be fully treated before being released back to the environment. This will help with the challenge of more frequent, heavier rainfall events due to climate change.
In addition, significant work is being carried out to both replace and increase the size of existing equipment, meeting and exceeding Environment Agency targets for phosphorus removal from discharge water.
Project Manager for Southern Water, Sunday Odusola, said:
“We know how important it is to protect and enhance water quality and our precious environment across the areas we serve. These vital improvements at Battle Wastewater Treatment Works are much needed to help improve the quality of the water being discharged into the River Brede.”