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Average water use and cost

Here you can find average water bills per month and year. This is based on average household usage and should only be used as a guide.


Average water usage and cost

We’ve put together the information below to give you an idea of average water bill costs. This is based on the average use of water and wastewater (that’s all the water that goes your drains that we need to take away).

These examples also show costs depending on the number of people living in the home, so it’s easier for you to make comparisons with your own situation. Please remember these are averages so won't always be an exact match.

The figures are based on charges for the year April 2022 to March 2023.


Number of people in property

1 2 3 4 5 6
Estimated use per year (cubic metres) 65 100 135 160 180 200
Estimated use (litres per day) 178 274 370 438 493 548
Wastewater (cubic metres) 60.1 92.5 124.9 148.0 166.5 185.0
Water and wastewater            
Average cost per year* £366 £514.20 £662.40 £768.30 £852.90 £937.70
Monthly instalments £30.50 £42.90 £55.20 £64.10 £71.10 £78.20
Water only            
Average cost per year* £151.30 £219.80 £288.30 £337.30 £376.40 £415.60
Monthly instalments £12.70 £18.40 £24.10 £28.20 £31.40 £34.70
Wastewater only            
Average cost per year* £214.70 £294.40 £374.10 £431 £476.50 £522.10
Monthly instalments £17.90 £24.60 £31.20 £36 £39.80 £43.60


Save money by saving water

Sometimes you get a bill that’s higher than you expect, or your bills may be more than you anticipate. If you’ve ruled out a possible leak, then it’s likely that you’re using a lot of water in your home.

You can save money by using less water. Have a look at the picture below to find out how we measure water use and what you can do to use less and reduce your bills.

Please use these figures as a guide only – the amount of water you use will vary depending on your circumstances.

Why might my bill be higher than usual?

Here are some common reasons why your water bill may increase or be higher than usual.

If you're at home more than normal, for example, because of remote working, you'll naturally be using more water through things like:

  • flushing the loo
  • taking showers at home rather than the gym or work
  • washing more dishes.

Some seasonal activities use a lot of water, such as:

  • gardening, e.g. using a hose or sprinkler to water your plants
  • filling a paddling pool
  • using a hot tub.

Did you know?

  • Filling up a paddling pool could use up to 3,000 litres, which is the equivalent of 7,500 cups of tea.
  • Avoiding using sprinklers/hosepipes can save you up to £300 a year.
  • Using a hose with a trigger gun can save up to £210 per year.
  • Dripping taps can waste 5,500 litres a year. Fixing this could save you £7 a year.

More people living in your home will increase the the amount of water used.

  • Guests staying over means more hand washes, showers and toilet trips.
  • Having a newborn can mean the constant washing of clothes and bibs and sterilising etc.
  • Students back from university.

You and your housemates are likely to live independent lifestyles within a household – for example, doing separate clothes washes.

This type of routine increases the amount of water used and will likely lead to higher bills than a family household.

Building work and DIY can use a lot of water – e.g. activities like concreting, washing down areas, cleaning brushes and bleeding radiators.

If you think you may have a leak in your home, follow these steps to help you find a leak and what you should do next.

A dripping tap can waste 15 litres a day or 5,500 litres a year, which is the equivalent of a bathtub of water every week. You can learn how to fix a dripping tap by simply replacing the washer – it could save you £7 a year.

Push-button toilets commonly have undetected leaks. A leaky loo can waste up to 400 litres of water a day – fixing it can save you approximately £500 a year on your bills. So it can pay to know if your loo is leaking.

Your water bill may be higher than your neighbour's for a number of reasons:

  • Tariff – you may be on different tariffs.
  • Credit – they may have credit on their account and have had their payments lowered to account for this.
  • Different size households – they may have fewer people living in or visiting the house, using less water.
  • Different routines – everyone has different ways of living and your neighbour’s activities may use less water, e.g. taking a quick shower rather than a bath.
  • Water-saving products – they may have invested in water-saving products to lower their usage and bill.

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