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Leakbot Trial

Trialling innovative ways to tackle leaks


Protecting our water supplies

The South East of England is classed as an area of severe water-stress, meaning we all need to do our bit to protect our water supplies.

When leaks occur, clean, treated water is wasted and so here at Southern Water, we are committed to trialling innovative ways to find and fix more leaks.

We want to help make it easy for our customers to find and fix leaks in their own homes too, which could also help to cut the cost of customer water bills. As part of our investment in innovation to reduce leakage, we are trialling a new product that we are currently offering for free to a small number of customers.


Introducing LeakBot – a smart water leak detection system

LeakBot is a smart water leak alarm which alerts you to the presence of water leaks on your mains water supply, as well as when taps have been left running for long periods.

It’s a sensitive device which alerts you, via a convenient mobile app, to even the smallest of leaks, which could be hidden away from view, wasting water and potentially causing damage to your property.

It’s easy to set up –clipping nicely onto the pipe near your stop tap - and monitors your incoming water pipes 24 hours a day, sending alerts to your smartphone if it spots a leak.


Be part of the LeakBot trial

Southern Water are offering a limited number of customers living in areas of high water stress the opportunity to receive a free LeakBot device as well as online support and any necessary repairs for 12-months.

We’re offering this so that we can test this device as a tool to help customers reduce water lost through leaks in the home, and more quickly resolve issues where a customer is unsure whether they have a leak. If the trial goes well, we’ll look to continue it further and and roll LeakBot out to a larger number of customers.


LeakBot uses a patented Thermi-Q technology which works to accurately measure both the air and water temperatures in a customer’s home. A leak will continually draw colder water from outside, creating a consistent drop in temperature. LeakBot can sense the prolonged and consistent drop in temperature and alerts the customer to the problem on an app. 

A customer is sent an alert when LeakBot detects a leak as small as one teaspoon per minute. Customers can then book a plumber visit through the app to find and fix the leak, (all free of charge during the trial).

We’re running this limited trial as part of our commitment to reducing leakage and helping customers to use and waste less water in their homes. We are testing whether this device can successfully reduce leaks in the home.

Devices for this trial are limited, but you can contact us.

The LeakBot trial will not affect your bills or impact your water supply in any way.

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