The website may be temporarily unavailable from 8pm this evening while we carry out essential maintenance. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.
Report a leak in a public place
We’ve got thousands of miles of water pipes and your help is vital so we can find and fix leaks faster.
Is the leak in our area of supply?
You can check if the leak is in our area of supply by entering your postcode into our checker. This tool also shows information about your water such as how hard it is.
If your address isn’t listed it could be that your postcode is not yet included in the search tool and you can check this via the Water UK Website.
If the leak is in our working area, please return here and follow the easy steps below on what to do next.
Check your water
Use our postcode checker to find out water hardness in your area and other information about your supply.
Identifying the type of leak
Here are some example photographs of different types of flooding you might see.
How to report a leak in a public place
Before reporting a leak to us, follow this guide to make sure you've got the information we need to find and fix the leak as soon as we can.
Identify your leak
First, use the reference photographs above to help you identify the type of leak. You'll be asked about this when reporting the leak.
Confirm the location of your leak
Can you see where the leak is coming from? This could be, for example, a property, road, meter cover or stop tap. This will help us to quickly identify the problem.
Take photographs
If you can, take photographs of the leak. These can further help us to locate, identify and solve the problem.
Report the leak
Finally, you can use the guide on our Report a problem page to let us know about the leak. We really appreciate your help in looking after our network.
What happens after reporting a leak?
Our teams are always on standby to respond quickly to leaks, fixing around 500 every week. From locating the leak to competing the repair, find out what happens after you report a leak.
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